
easy-rscp is an INOFFICIAL library written in Kotlin (fully Java compatible) for accessing E3DC home power plants.

E3DC is a brand of HagerEnergy Gmbh (website). I have nothing to do with the company, except that I own a home power plant from E3DC and wanted to include it in my SmartHome. This "desire" gave birth to easy-rscp.


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This package contains auxiliary classes and functions to work on the byte level of frames

Here are classes and interfaces that are needed for the connection establishment.

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Includes interfaces for frame encryption

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Classes and interfaces representing frames and data are located here

All known RSCP tags can be found in different enum classes in this package

Here are the high-level definitions of the services, which can be used without better RSCP knowledge

Model classes for the services are defined here

Basically you can find the class that implements the interfaces from the API package de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.api.connection here

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Basically you can find the class that implements the interfaces from the API package de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.api.crypt here

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Here you can find parsers and builders for frames and data blocks

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Basically you can find the class that implements the interfaces from the API package de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.api.service here

Here you can find the builders of the individual service instances

Converters from frames to model classes are stored here

Converters from frames to model classes are stored here, especially for the DATABASE namespace

Frame creator you can find here

Frame creators can be found here, especially for the DATABASE namespace