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Connection setup

The connection package contains all classes that are needed to establish a connection to the home power plant. The class DefaultHomePowerPlantConnection serves as connection point. Here frames are sent to the home power plant and the answers are parsed.

To create a connection the class DefaultHomePowerPlantConectionFactory is available.

As ConnectionPool the implementation SingleInstanceConnectionPool is available, which keeps Thread Save open a connection to the home power plant.

To simplify the creation and dependencies, there is the ConnectionBuilder which can create the instances with little configuration effort.

Differences in TypeScript

In the TypeScript version there is no ConnectionPool and no ConnectionBuilder. The connection ensures that all requests are sent serialized

ConnectionBuilder usage

In the following example we create a ConnectionBuilder instance, get a ConnectionPool and request the current live production data. To be able to read the answer we use the StringFrameConverter to output the answer frame:

import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.api.frame.tags.EMSTag
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.frame.DataBuilder
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.frame.FrameBuilder
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.connection.ConnectionBuilder
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.service.converter.StringFrameConverter

val host = "" // IP address of your home power plant
val portalUser = "my_e3dc_username" // The username you use to log in to the E3DC portal
val portalPassword = "my_e3dc_password" // The password to your E3DC portal access
val rscpPassword = "my_rscp_password" // The password you set on your home power plant

fun main() {
    val connectionBuilder = ConnectionBuilder()

    val connectionPool = connectionBuilder.buildConnectionPool()
    val answer = connectionPool.executeAndRelease {
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.api.connection.ConnectionPool;
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.api.frame.Frame;
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.api.frame.tags.EMSTag;
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.connection.ConnectionBuilder;
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.frame.DataBuilder;
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.frame.FrameBuilder;
import de.jnkconsulting.e3dc.easyrscp.service.converter.StringFrameConverter;

public class ConnectionBuilderExample {

    private static String host = ""; // IP address of your home power plant
    private static String portalUser = "my_e3dc_username"; // The username you use to log in to the E3DC portal
    private static String portalPassword = "my_e3dc_password"; // The password to your E3DC portal access
    private static String rscpPassword = "my_rscp_password"; // The password you set on your home power plant

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ConnectionBuilder connectionBuilder = new ConnectionBuilder()

        ConnectionPool connectionPool = connectionBuilder.buildConnectionPool();
        Frame answer = connectionPool.executeAndRelease(connection -> {
            Frame requestFrame = new FrameBuilder()
                    new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_PV).build(),
                    new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_BAT).build(),
                    new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_GRID).build(),
                    new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_HOME).build(),
                    new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_BAT_SOC).build()
            return connection.send(requestFrame);
        System.out.println(new StringFrameConverter().invoke(answer));
import {
    StringFrameConverter} from 'easy-rscp';

const connectionData: E3dcConnectionData = {
    address: host,
    port: 5033,
    portalUser: portalUser,
    portalPassword: portalPassword,
    rscpPassword: rscpPassword
const factory = new DefaultHomePowerPlantConnectionFactory(connectionData)
const connection = await factory.openConnection()
const request = new FrameBuilder()
        new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_PV).build(),
        new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_BAT).build(),
        new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_GRID).build(),
        new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_POWER_HOME).build(),
        new DataBuilder().tag(EMSTag.REQ_BAT_SOC).build()
    .then(response => {
        console.log(new StringFrameConverter().convert(response))

The output should look something like this:

Timestamp:  2023-09-19T19:08:44.664348Z
WithChecksum:   true
    Tag:    EMS.POWER_PV - 01800001
    Type:   INT32 - 06
    Value:  0 - 00000000
    Tag:    EMS.POWER_BAT - 01800002
    Type:   INT32 - 06
    Value:  -639 - 81fdffff
    Tag:    EMS.POWER_GRID - 01800004
    Type:   INT32 - 06
    Value:  23 - 17000000
    Tag:    EMS.POWER_HOME - 01800003
    Type:   INT32 - 06
    Value:  662 - 96020000
    Tag:    EMS.BAT_SOC - 01800008
    Type:   UCHAR8 - 03
    Value:  86 - 56